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September 15,2023
ER Accepted for Inclusion in the SciRev
Hill Publishing Group
April 7,2023
ER Accepted for Inclusion in the Library of University of Florence
The Educational Review, USA was accepted for inclusion in the library of University of Florence in March 2023.
February 15,2023
ER Indexed in National Diet Library, Japan (国立国会図書館)
The Educational Review, USA was accepted for inclusion in National Diet Library, Japan (国立国会図書館) in January 2023.
January 31,2023
IJFSA Indexed in CAS databases
CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, is the most authoritative and comprehensive source for chemical information. CAS databases, includin..
January 13,2023
IJFSA Indexed in ASI(Advanced Sciences Index)
Advanced Science Index is an indexing service indexes publishers of scientific materials. It is aiming at rapid evaluation and indexing of all local a..