All references should be numbered in square brackets in the text and listed in the REFERENCES section in the order they appear in the text.
Reference published in this journal should be listed at the end of the manuscript and numbered in order of citation in the text, including citations in tables and figure legends. References should conform to the style of the Journal.
This journal follows the Vancouver style for citations and references.
This guide provides an overview of the Vancouver referencing style, which is
the required format for all submissions to our journal.
In-text Citations:
Use Arabic numerals in parentheses to cite
references in the text. For example:
"The study showed significant results [1]."
Reference List:
The reference list should be numbered in the order in which the citations
appear in the text. Each reference should include all necessary details for
readers to locate the source.
1. Journal Article
Author(s). Title of the article. Journal Name. Year; Volume(Issue): Page
Smith J, Doe A. The impact of climate change on health. J Environ Health. 2020;
82(3): 45-50.
2. Book
Author(s). Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.
Brown P. Understanding Epidemiology. 2nd ed. New York: Health Press; 2018.
3. Website
Author(s). Title of the webpage. Website Name. Year. Available from: URL
World Health Organization. Global health observatory data repository. WHO.
2021. Available from:
4. Conference Proceedings
Author(s). Title of the paper. In: Editor(s), editor(s). Title of the
conference proceedings; Year; Location. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.
Page numbers.
Lee C, Kim S. Innovations in medical technology. In: Johnson M, editor.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Technology; 2021; San
Francisco, CA. New York: Tech Press; 2021. p. 200-205.
All tables have to be created with Word "Insert Table" function and should be cited consecutively in the main text by Arabic numbers (Table 1, Table 2, etc). Each table has to have a descriptive title on the top of the table. Provide explanations for any nonstandard abbreviations in footnotes to the table.
Figure legends including figure number, a short title and detailed description should be embedded at the end of text file. All figures should be cited consecutively in the main text by Arabic numbers (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc). All figures must be prepared in 500dpi resolution and embedded in the Word File at the end of the manuscript and labeled with the corresponding figure numbers. The text in all figures must be in Arial Font and clearly readable. Photographs of a person should render them unidentifiable or include their written permission.
How to count page numbers
Before submission or after acceptance, type your manuscript single spaced, and make all the characters in the text, tables, figure legends, footnotes and references in a single typeface and point size as 10 pt Times New Roman. This will save space, make it easier for reviewers and editors to process the submitted work, and contributes to slowing down global warming by using less paper.