
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Role of Tissue Culture as Applied in Seed Potato Multiplication to Improve Food Security: A Review

Shemshadin Mohammed Umaro1,2,*

1Crop production and protection, Metta District Agriculture Office, Metta District, East Hararge Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia.

2Plant Breeding program, School of Plant Sciences, Haramaya University, Haramaya, Oromia, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Shemshadin Mohammed Umaro

Published: May 17,2022


Rapid population growth, natural and man-made factors (COVID-19 and the lack of a social safety net) have led to an increase in the demand for food, which calls for significant improvements to the food system worldwide to supply food more efficiently with the same or fewer resources. Potatoes have great potential to contribute to food security and incomes for rural smallholder farmers, as well as provide nutritious, affordable food for urban consumers. The availability of disease-free and certified seed potatoes of better-performing varieties remains limited. The use of tissue culture to provide a disease-free seed potato is therefore crucial to ensuring food security. A key goal of this paper is to summarize the work done on various aspects of seed potato multiplication, and how it can improve the food security of smallholder farmers. The systematic review method was applied to summarize how tissue culture application can produce excess disease-free seed potatoes to improve food availability for marginal farmers. The most effective way for farmers in developing countries or areas prone to natural or man-made disasters to increase their incomes and improve nutrition is to use high-quality certified seeds. Tissue cultures are used worldwide to produce pre-basic, virus-free seed potatoes. Early Generation Seed (micro-tubers, cuttings and mini-tuber), multiplication of mother plants and production of apical rooted cutting for seed production for field planting are popular. The activities of diseases-free seed production start at the laboratory and end at the field with seed production for planting. In general, three major steps were used in seed potato multiplication: (1) Tissue culture (to produce disease-free tissue culture plantlets); (2) Production of cuttings (involves two important stages: (i) multiplication of mother plants and (ii) production of apical rooted cutting for planting) for further multiplication and (3) production of seeds for field planting.


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How to cite this paper

Role of Tissue Culture as Applied in Seed Potato Multiplication to Improve Food Security: A Review

How to cite this paper: Shemshadin Mohammed Umaro. (2022) Role of Tissue Culture as Applied in Seed Potato Multiplication to Improve Food Security: A Review. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(2), 169-174.