
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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The Physical Beauty of Women in Some Amharic Oral Poetry: Positive Look in Focus

Tsegaye Abie Gebeyehu*, Tamirat Hailemariam

Department of English Language and Literature, Wachemo University, Hosaena, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Tsegaye Abie Gebeyehu

Published: April 7,2022


This study was basically aimed at collecting, analyzing and interpreting some Amharic oral poetry that deal with the positive physical features of women. The oral poems are intended to glorify frequently praised physical looks of women. In addition, the figurative languages employed in the oral poetry to strengthen the expressions were also analyzed. Relying on the nature of the data, descriptive research design with qualitative research approach was employed. Purposive sampling technique was utilized. The data were collected by using document analysis and personal experiences of the researchers since the researchers can serve as tradition bearers as they are part and parcel of the society. The Amhara people, using Amharic oral poetry, reflect their attitudes, feelings and thoughts regarding to the positive physical features of women; for instance, they appreciate the tidy teeth, colorful eyes, attractive lip, hip, waist, and the overall attractive physical features of women. Different figurative languages such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, oxymoron, etc. were used as a spice to empower the oral poems in strengthening the physical beauty of women.


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How to cite this paper

The Physical Beauty of Women in Some Amharic Oral Poetry: Positive Look in Focus

How to cite this paper: Tsegaye Abie Gebeyehu, Tamirat Hailemariam. (2022) The Physical Beauty of Women in Some Amharic Oral Poetry: Positive Look in Focus. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science6(1), 163-171.