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Changes in the Model of Child Care in 21st Century through “Historical Records” of Child Care Centers in Greece: The Child Care Centers Tell Us Their Story

Markaki Kalliopi

PhD in Sociology, Senior Manager, Department of Social Solidarity, Directorate of Public Health and Social Care, Region of Crete, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece.

*Corresponding author: Markaki Kalliopi

Published: March 29,2022


Introduction: Our research investigates the changes in the Model of Child Care in 21st Century in Greece (Model of “laissez – faire and patriarchy”, Model of “Familistic welfare capitalism” & Model of “Sate Paternalism and Child Protection”), as a consequence of changes in the political sphere and in the social economic characteristics of children and their families who accessed a representative number of Child Care Centres from 1970 to 2016, through the analysis of reasons are responsible for their introduction and the duration of their stay in Centers. Methods: The data derived from a survey conducted in the context of the author’s doctoral dissertation. Is an observational, descriptive study. Participants were recruited from various Institutional Homes/Child Care Centers, in Greece.  A sample of 1355 children with an admission mean age 10.8 years (3.75) participated in the research. Results: As a conclusion, the Model of the Child Protection (Lorraine Hardling-Fox, 1997) has been influenced by the changes occurred on the legal, social and economic spheres the last decades (Plant, 1974), (Hardly, 1981). This model is transformed (Model of “laissez – faire and patriarchy”, Model of “Familistic welfare capitalism” & Model of “Sate Paternalism and Child Protection”), as the Greek society gradually does not tolerate the violence directed against children. Nowadays, the Greek society adopts legal actions against child abuse or neglect. These actions are considered as criminal offences which break the Greek, the European and the international laws. Discussion and Conclusion: Finally, the research findings confirm the new trend in childhood study in sociology, which emphasizes that childhood, perceptions around child protection and Model of Child Care are influenced by a wide range of economic, political and ideological factors, and that children can become a separate observation unit and can constitute a separate statistical category, in order to gain an insight on these factors.


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How to cite this paper

Changes in the Model of Child Care in 21st Century through "Historical Records" of Child Care Centers in Greece: The Child Care Centers Tell Us Their Story

How to cite this paper:  Markaki Kalliopi. (2022). Changes in the Model of Child Care in 21st Century through "Historical Records" of Child Care Centers in Greece: The Child Care Centers Tell Us Their Story. The Educational Review, USA6(3), 101-108.