
The Educational Review, USA

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Verbs with Dependent Prepositions in the Teaching Learning Process of Grammar in the English Education Major

Alison González Cuba1,*, Karina De Feria Hernández2, Karel Cuenca Ricardo1

1Faculty of Communication and Letters, Department of Foreign Language Teaching, University of Holguin, Holguín Province, Cuba.

2Faculty of Engineering, Department of Applied Mechanics, University of Holguin, Holguín Province, Cuba.

*Corresponding author: Alison González Cuba

Published: March 18,2022


This investigation has been inspired by the current state of the treatment of verbs with dependent prepositions (hereon VDP) in the teaching-learning process of grammar as an essential skill developed in English lessons. Students of English have not properly acquired the use of these grammatical structures and this affects the majority of them in becoming better professionals. Therefore, it is vital to undertake a research meant to reinforce its proper use in oral and written communication departing from receptive skills. Thus, the main objective of this research is to favor the treatment of verbs with dependent prepositions in the teaching-learning process of grammar through a set of activities. In order to facilitate this research, the authors have used theoretical methods like historic-logic, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and from the abstract to the concrete; and empirical ones such as survey, the functional, systemic and structural approach, the observation and bibliographic research. These methods allowed to fathom the most relevant insufficiencies associated to the field of study of this investigation.


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How to cite this paper

Verbs with Dependent Prepositions in the Teaching Learning Process of Grammar in the English Education Major

How to cite this paper:  Alison González Cuba, Karina De Feria Hernández, Karel Cuenca Ricardo. (2022). Verbs with Dependent Prepositions in the Teaching Learning Process of Grammar in the English Education Major. The Educational Review, USA6(3), 92-100.