
The Educational Review, USA

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Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using SRYPHOMAT at the Second Grade Students of SMP, Nur Karya Makassar

M. Dahlan Bahang

English Education of STKIP-YPUP Makassar, South Celebes, Indonesia.

*Corresponding author: M. Dahlan Bahang

Published: March 17,2022


The objective of the research is to find out whether or not the use of SRYPHOMAT reading strategy can improve the reading comprehension at the second grade students of SMP Cipta Karya, Makassar. This research applied pre-experiment method which one class was given pre-test, treatment and post-test. The population of this research was the second grade students of SMP Cipta Karya Makassar. The total sample consisted of 32 students and it used purpose sampling technique. The instrument was reading comprehension text in order to measure the students reading skill in learning process by using SRYPHOMAT reading strategy. In other words, the finding indicated that by using SYPHOMAT reading strategy in teaching reading comprehension was able to improve the students’ reading skill. Based on the results of the data showed that there was a significant difference of the students’ achievement in reading, where the mean score of post-test was higher than the pre-test (67.18>35.78).  The result of the data analysis, SYPHOMAT reading strategy can improve the students’ reading skill and it is an affective activity to make the students active in learning reading comprehension. Based on the finding of the research it could be concluded that the use of SRYPHOMAT reading strategy improved the students’ reading comprehension at the second grade of SMP Cipta Karya Makassar.


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How to cite this paper

Improving Students' Reading Comprehension by Using SRYPHOMAT at the Second Grade Students of SMP, Nur Karya Makassar

How to cite this paper:  M. Dahlan Bahang. (2022). Improving Students' Reading Comprehension by Using SRYPHOMAT at the Second Grade Students of SMP, Nur Karya Makassar. The Educational Review, USA6(3), 86-91.