The deadly Corona virus continued to spread at an insane speed through new modifications and resistance to incomplete vaccinations all over the world, and there was a need to expand the field of use of mathematical models, especially random ones, to show the path and scope of spread of suspected, recovered and deceased Corona virus patients, in addition to the number of people who were infected. Test them, and what are the chances of obtaining herd immunity to gain long-term immunity for citizens. This study leads, through the general random model, to a better estimate of the extent of the spread, and the consequences of this epidemic in the future. The researcher proposed the development of a random mathematical model with the significance of eight parameters in order to contain the dynamic behavior of COVID-19 infection by tracking a sample of data for a previous year, which allowed the researcher to form the general extended form of the proposed mathematical model; Then, the positive discussion of the results and the extent covered by the proposed model. In order to study the process of local stability and global stability of the proposed model, the researcher needs to conduct a simulation and alignment process in order to study the standard and non-standard finite differences schemes with the use of some results of illustrations through ready-made computer programs that show us the possible reason for the rapid spread of COVID-19, and its future risks to lives, money, and the community life of individuals.
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