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BAPNE FIT: Neuromotricity and Body Percussion in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

Francisco Javier Romero-Naranjo

Department of Educational Innovation, Faculty of Education, University of Alicante, San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain.

*Corresponding author: Francisco Javier Romero-Naranjo

Published: February 4,2022


In this publication, we introduce a new model of sports learning called Bapne Fit which proposes a protocol of physical and cognitive activities. Its exercise protocol is linked to endurance training, as well as perceptual and coordination skills for the development of the body schema with a clear link to the stimulation of executive functions. Neuromotor activities combined with the use of weights for wrists and ankles, weight vests, Step, stroboscopic goggles and special visual plates of the BAPNE method provide a new way of working both physical and cognitive aspects based mainly on the double task. The activities are not choreographed and are based on neuromotor skills, so they are classified into three levels of intensity to be applicable to all audiences. The low, medium and high intensities work continuously on dissociation, coordination and laterality. All of them require a continuous use of working memory, attentional network, inhibitory control, decision making and processing speed, among other aspects. In this article, we present an approach to BAPNE FIT.


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How to cite this paper

BAPNE FIT: Neuromotricity and Body Percussion in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

How to cite this paper: Francisco Javier Romero-Naranjo. (2022). BAPNE FIT: Neuromotricity and Body Percussion in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. The Educational Review, USA6(2), 37-44.