
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Supply Chain Disruptions and Consumer Behavior Change from COVID-19: Empirical Evidence and Long-Term Implications for Supermarkets in the UK

Maaz Khan1, Azzam Alroomi2, Konstantinos Nikolopoulos3,*

1Alliance Manchester Business School, Manchester, Greater Manchester, UK.

2Business Department, Arab Open University, Kuwait Ardiya, Kuwait.

3Business Information Systems & Analytics, Business School, Durham University, Durham, UK.

*Corresponding author: Konstantinos Nikolopoulos

Published: January 19,2022


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions to supply chains and changes to consumer behaviours around the world. This research looks at those two aspects within supermarket retail chains in England between now and the time the first lockdown ended. It also explores the changes supermarket supply chains are making for the near future as a result of the pandemic. Both of these areas, to the best knowledge of the authors have not been covered so far in literature. The research followed a qualitative approach with interviews conducted of supply chain professionals and store managers belonging to large supermarket chains. A thematic analysis was performed revealing the main themes discussed in interviews. The results imply supply-side disruptions have been more significant than demand-side disruptions within the past year or so. Moreover, some indications are given regarding the recent developments supermarket chains are making for the future to be better equipped to handle any new lockdowns or pandemics. The research has informed theory and practice that supply-side issues are the bigger concern currently in England and has mentioned a few ways to manage them. Additionally, by introducing key developments for the future, the research has highlighted the importance for other grocery retailers to think of ways to transform their supply chain to not only withstand disruptions, but also compete in the grocery retail space in the longer-term.

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How to cite this paper

Supply Chain Disruptions and Consumer Behavior Change from COVID-19: Empirical Evidence and Long-Term Implications for Supermarkets in the UK

How to cite this paper: Maaz Khan, Azzam Alroomi, Konstantinos Nikolopoulos. (2022) Supply Chain Disruptions and Consumer Behavior Change from COVID-19: Empirical Evidence and Long-Term Implications for Supermarkets in the UK. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science6(1), 28-42.