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Noble Metals Potential of Gudjareti-Khachkovi Ore Field, Georgia

Davit Bluashvili1, Giorgi Mindiashvili2,*

1Department of applied Geology, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia. 

2Department of Geology, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia.

*Corresponding author: Giorgi Mindiashvili

Published: December 27,2021


Geological characteristics of Adjara-Trialeti Gujareti-Khachkovi ore field are reviewed in the annotation work. The ore field is tectonically highly complicated, various type dysunctives and fractures are observed. According to opening quality the following take place at the investigation territory: invisible, closed and open type fractures. Exactly the mentioned type fractures represent environment convenient for oreing-down. According to oreing-down intensity, two units are selected now within the ore field areas: Gujareti—to West and Khachkovi (Tska-rostavi)—to East, which are spatially isolated from each other by less mineralized uplift block of Tarsoni. Considering geological structure of the region, in particular, magmatism and disjunctive structure characters, convenient conditions are made for magmatic systems within ore field areas. In particular, in adjacent line of Arjevani-Bakuriani fault, all conditions for establishing hydrothermal zones are made. Orthogenetic origin hydrotherms as well as meteoric waters may take part in ore production; they make metal extraction from containing rocks. In our opinion, active contamination of fluids and meteoric waters might take place, resulted of which Gujareti-Khachkovi ore field was formed.


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How to cite this paper

Noble Metals Potential of Gudjareti-Khachkovi Ore Field, Georgia

How to cite this paper: Davit Bluashvili, Giorgi Mindiashvili. (2021). Noble Metals Potential of Gudjareti-Khachkovi Ore Field, Georgia. Engineering Advances1(2), 47-49.