
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Tillage and Rotation effects on Bromus diandrus Roth: A Lesson Learned from Fields in Northern Spain

M. I. Santín-Montanyá1,*, A. Sombrero-Sacristán2

1Environment and Agronomy Department, National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA-CSIC), Madrid, Spain.

2Agrarian and Technological Institute of Castile and Leon (ITACyL), Valladolid, Spain.

*Corresponding author: M. I. Santín-Montanyá

Published: December 15,2021


The aim of this research was to achieve a good understanding of the practices and environment conditions to control Bromus diandrus Roth, in the semi-arid drylands of northern Spain. We studied the effects of three crop systems: monoculture, cereal/fallow and cereal/legume on the density and biomass of B. diandrus over three seasons, under three soil tillage managements: conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT), at tillering and booting stages of cereal crops. The results showed B. diandrus significantly increased with cereal monoculture under conservation systems. Overall, NT presented highest infestation levels that increase from 89 plants m-2 to 342 plants m-2 between the first and the third experimental seasons. Followed by MT, that increased from 136 to 231 plants m-2. Infestation levels in CT resulted lowest, with no weed plants in the first two seasons and only 5 plants m-2 in the third season. In conservation systems, yield was consistently lower under cereal monoculture because of B. diandrus competition. The introduction of legume crops in rotations decreased B. diandrus infestation and had a positive effect on cereal production. The inclusion of fallow in a cereal rotation scheme can be a good alternative if legume crops are not available.


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How to cite this paper

Tillage and Rotation effects on Bromus diandrus Roth: A Lesson Learned from Fields in Northern Spain

How to cite this paper: M. I. Santín-Montanyá, A. Sombrero-Sacristán. (2021) Tillage and Rotation effects on Bromus diandrus Roth: A Lesson Learned from Fields in Northern Spain. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture5(4), 728-736.