
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Comparative Study on Carcass Quality Characteristics of Indigenous Chickens and Their F1-Crosses with the Sasso Chicken Breed in Sheka Zone, South Western Ethiopia

Walelegne Alemneh1,*, Kefyalew Berihun2, Aberra Melesse2

1Department of Animal Science, Mizan Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training College, P.O. Box 217, Mizan Teferi, Ethiopia.

2School of Animal and Range Sciences, College of Agriculture, Hawassa University, P.O. Box 5, Hawassa, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Walelegne Alemneh

Published: December 1,2021


The study was conducted in three districts of Sheka zone in southern Ethiopia with the objective of comparing the carcass quality characteristics of indigenous chickens and their F1-crosses with Sasso chicken breed under traditional production system. One hundred eighty households were purposely selected who possess a minimum of three adult chickens. For the evaluation of carcass quality traits, 84 male chickens were used that have been drawn from both indigenous and F1-crossbred chickens. The results indicated that the F1-crosses chickens reared within three districts had higher (p<0.05) values of all carcass quality traits than the local chickens except for the dressing percentages, which was highest in the local chickens. Except breast, thighs, neck, keel bone, liver and gizzard, all carcass component values of chickens raised in Anderacha and Masha districts were higher (p<0.05) than those of Yeki. The highest values for breast and giz-zard were observed from Mash chickens and differed (p<0.05) from those of the two districts. The effect of genotype was highly significant for all carcass com-ponents while that of district was significant for dressed carcass, dressing percentage, breast meat, drumsticks, wings, skin, backbone, heart and gizzard. The interaction between genotype and district was significant for only neck and backbone. There was a strong and positive association among all carcass components except for dressing percentage, which had a negative correlation with carcass traits. In conclusion, the F1-crosses demonstrated the highest carcass potentials and could be used as meat or dual-purpose chickens under the smallholder settings. However, care must be taken for unjustified distribution of exotic chicken breeds in the rural community to prevent genetic dilution of the well-adapted indigenous chicken ecotypes.


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How to cite this paper

Comparative Study on Carcass Quality Characteristics of Indigenous Chickens and Their F1-Crosses with the Sasso Chicken Breed in Sheka Zone, South Western Ethiopia

How to cite this paper: Walelegne Alemneh, Kefyalew Berihun, Aberra Melesse. (2021) Comparative Study on Carcass Quality Characteristics of Indigenous Chickens and Their F1-Crosses with the Sasso Chicken Breed in Sheka Zone, South Western Ethiopia. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture5(4), 692-697.