
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Plant Allelopathy in Agriculture and Its Environmental and Functional Mechanisms: A Review

Muhammad Mohsin Aziz1, Ali Ahmad1,*, Ehsan Ullah1, Ahmad Kamal1, Muhammad Yasir Nawaz2, Hafiz Hussain Ali3

1Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Faisalabad, 38000, Pakistan. 

2Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Faisalabad, 38000, Pakistan. 

3Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Faisalabad, 38000, Pakistan.

*Corresponding author: Ali Ahmad

Published: October 28,2021


Allelopathy is a common phenomenon by which organisms produced chemicals that influence the growth, development and reproduction of other organisms. Plant allelopathy is one of the modes of interaction between receptor and donor plants and may exert either positive effects or negative effects. The study of allelopathy increased in the 1970s and has undergone rapid development since the mid-1990s. The study of allelopathy deals with the management, ecology and agricultural production of biochemicals (allelochemicals). Allelochemicals can doubtlessly be used as increase regulators, herbicides, pesticides, and antimicrobial crop protection merchandise. Here we reviewed the plant allelopathy management practices carried out in agriculture and the underlying allelopathic mechanisms described within the literature. The main factors addressed are as follows: (1) Description of control practices related to allelopathy and allelochemicals in agriculture. (2) Dialogue of the progress concerning the mode of motion of allelochemicals and the physiological mechanisms of allelopathy, con-sisting of the influence on mobile micro- and ultra-shape, mobile division and elongation, membrane permeability, oxidative and antioxidant systems, boom law structures, respiratory, enzyme synthesis and metabolism, photosynthesis, mineral ion uptake, protein and nucleic acid synthesis. (3) Assessment of the impact of ecological mechanisms exerted by way of allelopathy on microorganisms and the ecological surroundings. (4) Discussion of present troubles and thought for destiny research directions in this discipline to provide a beneficial reference for destiny research on plant allelopathy.


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How to cite this paper

Plant Allelopathy in Agriculture and Its Environmental and Functional Mechanisms: A Review

How to cite this paper: Muhammad Mohsin Aziz, Ali Ahmad, Ehsan Ullah, Ahmad Kamal, Muhammad Yasir Nawaz, Hafiz Hussain Ali. (2021) Plant Allelopathy in Agriculture and Its Environmental and Functional Mechanisms: A Review. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture5(4), 623-626.