
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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The Role of Homestead Agroforestry Practice on the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: A Review

Abdi Hassen Abdula

East Hararghe, Meta Agricultural Office, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Africa Center of Excellence for Climate Smart Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation, Department of climate smart agriculture, Haramaya University, Haramaya, Oromia, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Abdi Hassen Abdula

Published: October 27,2021


Homestead, the home and adjacent grounds occupied by a family, is the potential production area. Homestead agroforestry is popularly called homestead production system. It is the integrated production of crops, trees, and livestock in the household’s residence and its surrounding areas. This review explores diversity of homestead agro-forests together with their advantages to the adaptation and climate change mitigation. It was revealed that homestead owners of householders were more positive attitude towards climate change adaptation in homestead production system. Due to climate change, there were several crops and various types of vegetables with multipurpose tree species such as Mango, Jackfruit, Mehogoni, Coconut, Raintree and Mehogoni, are practiced in homestead agroforestry along with the annual crops subjected to change of planting dates over time. Homestead agro-forests thus meet the conditions to be a clean development mechanism agroforestry practice, which would develop as strategy for small-scale farmers in climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives, and biodiversity conservation. The reviews show that homestead agroforestry has a lot of contribution to reduce the problems of climate change and enhance a building resilience to climate change. Therefore, the development of homestead agroforestry practice, also contributes to economic purpose in additions to climate change mitigation and adaptations.


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How to cite this paper

The Role of Homestead Agroforestry Practice on the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: A Review

How to cite this paper: Abdi Hassen Abdula. (2021) The Role of Homestead Agroforestry Practice on the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: A Review. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture5(4), 617-622.