
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Small Scale Irrigation Farming Adoption as a Climate-Smart Agriculture Practice and Its Impact on Household Income in Ethiopia: A Review

 Ibsa Dawid1,*, Sisay Workalemahu2, Abdi Hassen2

1Socio-Economics Research Team, Asella Agricultural Engineering Research Center, Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, P. O. Box 06, Asella, Ethiopia. 

2Department of Climate Smart Agriculture, Haramaya University, Haramaya, Oromia, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author:  Ibsa Dawid

Published: October 15,2021


Small-scale irrigated farming has been offered as a climate-smart agriculture technology to boost production and diversify livelihood scenarios as an option to mitigate climate change and variability.  Small-scale irrigation as a climate-smart agriculture strategy is one of the most important adaptation options for increasing agricultural production in rural areas, stabilizing agricultural production and productivity, and mitigating the negative effects of variable or insufficient rainfall.  The reviewed literature showed that the adoption of small-scale irrigation farming as a climate-smart agriculture practice has a significant positive influence on farming income.  Small-scale irrigation practice increases the adaptive capacity of households by enhancing farm income.  Small-scale irrigation users are better off in crop production that enhances household income and enables buffer against climate variability compared with non-users.  Small-scale irrigation is an important strategy in reducing risks associated with both rainfall variability production of different crops twice or three times within a year and increasing income of rural farm-households.  Farmers’ age, distance to market, and formal employment all negatively influence small-scale irrigation adoption.  Off-farm employment, irrigation equipment, access to reliable water supplies, and awareness of water conservation practices all positively promote Small-scale irrigation adoption.  As a result, governments and other key stakeholders should consider strengthening small-scale irrigated farming in rural families as climate smart agriculture.


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How to cite this paper

Small Scale Irrigation Farming Adoption as a Climate-Smart Agriculture Practice and Its Impact on Household Income in Ethiopia: A Review

How to cite this paper:   Ibsa Dawid, Sisay Workalemahu, Abdi Hassen. (2021) Small Scale Irrigation Farming Adoption as a Climate-Smart Agriculture Practice and Its Impact on Household Income in Ethiopia: A ReviewInternational Journal of Food Science and Agriculture5(4), 584-591.