
The Educational Review, USA

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Romanian Professional Conduct of Mentors from Special Education Field Is Shaped by Their Communication Style?

Ionela Roxana Urea

Special Education Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania.

*Corresponding author: Ionela Roxana Urea

Published: September 13,2021


This paper is based on complex research on 90 mentors coming from special education field and it tries to underline the specific manner that communicational style shapes his/her professional conduct. We used “Questionnaire SC” (focused on revealing the communication styles); “The features of mentors’ conduct questionnaire” (focused on revealing the main elements of mentors’ professional conduct. It has two parts: The first part is focus to underlying the conduct’s elements involve in the process of mentoring the pupils with disabilities; and the second part is focusing on pointing the elements of mentor’ conduct manifest in mentoring process with students that are enrolled in bachelor training program in special education ); non-directive interviews. This study advances the idea that the mentor’s professional conduct is direct linked with his/her communicational style and has different ways of manifestation in relation with the types of the students involved in mentoring process. The implications are essential for developing an efficient mentoring program in special education field.


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How to cite this paper

Romanian Professional Conduct of Mentors from Special Education Field Is Shaped by Their Communication Style?

How to cite this paper: Ionela Roxana Urea. (2021). Romanian Professional Conduct of Mentors from Special Education Field Is Shaped by Their Communication Style? The Educational Review, USA5(9), 309-315.