Article Open Access
A Study of Analyzing Oral and Written Feedback in Promoting Learning of Mathematics
Roohi Fatima
Department of Teacher Training and Non-formal Education (IASE), Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 110025, India.
*Corresponding author: Roohi Fatima
Published: August 27,2021
In this article, the author is attempting to find out whether feedback can be used to facilitate the teaching-learning process of mathematics or not? For this, she conducted an experimental study. The focus of this study is to find out whether the oral and written feedback makes any difference in the performance of students if it is provided after the tasks they had done in their class. This study was conducted to see the effect of enhanced feedback versus traditional feedback. Apart from this, she also tries to discuss the answers to the following questions: (1) What is the feedback? (2) What are the different methods of giving feedback? (3) Does feedback facilitates Meaningful Learning in mathematics? In this paper, the author is attempting to find out the answers to these questions since any attempt to answer these questions will necessarily involve a significant discussion on the effectiveness of feedback in the teaching-learning process of Mathematics.
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How to cite this paper
A Study of Analyzing Oral and Written Feedback in Promoting Learning of Mathematics
How to cite this paper: Roohi Fatima. (2021). A Study of Analyzing Oral and Written Feedback in Promoting Learning of Mathematics. The Educational Review, USA, 5(8), 295-300.