
The Educational Review, USA

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The Chinese Road of the Cooperative Education Mechanism of Family, School and Society

Changqing Pang

Department of Basic Courses, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Jinan, Shandong, China.

*Corresponding author: Changqing Pang

Published: August 20,2021


Education is not only related to knowledge imparting and learning, but also related to the inheritance and future of national culture and morality.  The full play of its social attribute has become an important symbol of future education. However, there is still a long way to go for the effect of the cooperative education mechanism of family, school and society, such as the lack of understanding of the essence of the cooperative education mechanism of family, school and society,  serious formalism, unclear obligations and responsibilities of all parties, low participation, lack of professionalism and so on.  This paper studies the national attribute of youth education, aiming to reverse the traditional beliefs on family, school, and community education, establish the principles of maximizing the interests of young people, and national guardianship of youth education.  Further on, the division of educational responsibilities and obligations among family, school and community are talked about, including public interest of family education, effectiveness of school education, and emotional support and identity cognition of social education, which should be recognized as the Chinese localization solutions of school,  family, and social cooperative education mechanism.


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How to cite this paper

The Chinese Road of the Cooperative Education Mechanism of Family, School and Society

How to cite this paper: Changqing Pang. (2021). The Chinese Road of the Cooperative Education Mechanism of Family, School and Society. The Educational Review, USA5(8), 270-274.