
The Educational Review, USA

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Political Imbroglios and Social Radicalization in the Novels of Fatima Bhutto: A Case Study

Sidra Anam1, Muhammad Arfan Lodhi2,*, Rehana Anwer1

1The Department of English, NCBA & E University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. 

2Higher Education Department, Collegiate Wing, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

*Corresponding author: Muhammad Arfan Lodhi

Published: August 19,2021


The aim of this research is to examine the novels of Pakistani writer Fatima Bhutto. Novels ‘The Shadow of the Crescent Moon’ (2013) and ‘The Runaways’ (2018) capture the concept of political imbroglios, traumas of war which the people of Tribal areas are still confronting and social radicalization respectively. The intention of this examination is to emphasize the working of politics, political imbroglios at social, political and personal level in the Tribal area; post 9/11 scenario in Mir Ali. The author captures our attention towards the understanding and reality of ‘war on terror’ and towards those who are facing its consequences—the worst victims—by drawing the political and social relationships and here lay the prejudicial and evil conflict flourish. Such type of fiction regarding ‘war on terror’ reveals the variety of ideological constructions concerning the problems. It also depicts the psychological and emotional disorders of the indigenous people suffering after 9/11 catastrophe. Bhutto in ‘The Runaways’ reveals the lives of three radical characters who in search of their identity and place in this world join the terrorist organizations. The incidents of 9/11 prompted considerable changes in global relations. It has influenced socio-political, external security and internal security both and monetary situations in Pakistan. The disputable issues like US drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal regions have prompted violence, extremism and terrorist attacks. Hence, the events of 9/11 brought an endless loop of destruction and terrorism in Pakistan with various impacts on the public and state.


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How to cite this paper

Political Imbroglios and Social Radicalization in the Novels of Fatima Bhutto: A Case Study

How to cite this paper: Sidra Anam, Muhammad Arfan Lodhi, Rehana Anwer. (2021). Political Imbroglios and Social Radicalization in the Novels of Fatima Bhutto: A Case Study. The Educational Review, USA5(8), 257-269.