
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research

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Telehealth in Education and Research in Primary Care in Pandemic: COVID-19 Case

Gilberto Bastidas1,*, María Baéz2, Daniel Bastidas3

1Department of Public Health and Institute of Medical and Biotechnological Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Carabobo, Venezuela. 

2Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Carabobo, Venezuela. 

3School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Carabobo, Venezuela.

*Corresponding author: Gilberto Bastidas

Published: August 2,2021


The use of electronic services through a wide range of communication platforms to provide knowledge in order to provide health to populations, in what is known as telehealth. This article shows scientific evidence of the merit of the use of telehealth in the education of health sciences students and in primary care research during the COVID-19 pandemic as central axes for the success of health control programs in the approach to this emerging disease, based on the review of scientific studies in digital format published up to May 2021 that met the inclusion criteria (originality, adequate conclusions and no duplication). The information found is organized into three sections to facilitate reading and understanding, namely: telehealth in the COVID-19 pandemic; preparation in primary care of health sciences students based on telehealth and COVID-19; and research in primary care in times of information and communication technology and the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, as a product of the analysis, the authors provide conclusions.


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How to cite this paper

Telehealth in Education and Research in Primary Care in Pandemic: COVID-19 Case

How to cite this paper: Gilberto Bastidas, María Baéz, Daniel Bastidas. (2021) Telehealth in Education and Research in Primary Care in Pandemic: COVID-19 Case. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research5(3), 416-420.