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3D Computer Reconstruction of the Airway and the Vascular Systems of the Lung of the Domestic Fowl, Gallus gallus Variant domesticu

John N. Maina1,*, Yolanda Ramonisi1, Reatlegile Mashiteng1, Lolo Mokae1, Jeremy D. Woodward2

1Department of Zoology, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, Johannesburg 2006, South Africa.

2Division of Medical Biochemistry and Structural Biology, Structural Biology Research Unit, University of Cape Town, Observatory 7925, South Africa.

*Corresponding author: John N. Maina

Published: May 18,2021


The avian respiratory system (the lung-air sac system) is exceptionally structurally complex and functionally efficient. The capacity of powered (active) flight in birds is largely attributed to these features. Although it has been investigated for a longtime, important questions on the bioengineering of the avian respiratory system still remain unclear and controversial. Among these are basis of the airflow dynamics in the lung, the structure and topographic arrangement of the airway- and the vascular systems and the shapes and sizes of the terminal respiratory units. Here, in attempt to resolve some of the issues, the lung of the domestic fowl, Gallus gallus variant domesticus, was investigated by three-dimensional (3D) serial section computer reconstruction. The bronchial-(airway) and the vascular systems were reconstructed and their morphologies thoroughly assessed to determine their morphologies and spatial relationships. Movies of the reconstructions were prepared and rotated to view the structures from different perspectives. Furthermore, the different parts of the pulmonary vasculature were extracted and reinserted into the reconstructions to determine whether anastomoses existed. The most important findings were: three main branches (= rami) of the pulmonary artery deliver venous (deoxygenated) blood to various parts of the lung; three main branches of the pulmonary vein drain arterial (oxygenated) blood from the lung; the third costal sulcus forms the approximate boundary between the cranial- and the caudal blood supply- and drainage regions of the lung and; at least up to the level of the interparabronchial arteries and veins, no anastomoses (interconnections) were observed between the branches of the pulmonary artery and vein.


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3D Computer Reconstruction of the Airway and the Vascular Systems of the Lung of the Domestic Fowl, Gallus gallus Variant domesticu

How to cite this paper: John N. Maina, Yolanda Ramonisi, Reatlegile Mashiteng, Lolo Mokae, Jeremy D. Woodward. (2021) 3D Computer Reconstruction of the Airway and the Vascular Systems of the Lung of the Domestic Fowl, Gallus gallus Variant domesticuJournal of Applied Mathematics and Computation5(2), 89-104.