
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research

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Impact of Work Stress during COVID-19 Epidemic on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance among Nurses in Critical Care Units, United Arab Emirates 2020

Rennie Joshua*, Fouad Chehab, Reni David, Nezar Ahmed Salim

Nursing Department, Dubai Hospital, Dubai Health Authority, United Arab Emirates.

*Corresponding author: Rennie Joshua

Published: April 28,2021


Background: The health of health caregivers is the prime concern for any organization. The emotional and physical stability of nurses is very important for safe and effective patient care. The accelerating changes in the health care setup often leads to stress and this affects the job performance and job satisfaction among nurses placing patient care at risk. In December 2019, the health care system faced challenges by the new emerging virus—SARS CoV-2. Facing large scale of critically ill patient with COVID-19 has led to great health concern for all the medical staffs both physically and psychologically. As the work environment undergoes accelerating changes and instability, stress is often been experienced by individuals and organizations. Objectives: The main goal of this study was to assess the impact of work stress during COVID-19 epidemic on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance among nurses in Critical Care Units in one of the government hospitals in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Methodology: This study was carried out in one of the government hospital in Dubai, Dubai Health Authority (DHA), United Arab Emirates between the period July 2020 till December 2020. A convenience sample was recruited for the purposes of this study. The sample of this study consisted of 240 participants who worked in critical care units during the pandemic. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 23. Result: Results reveal that there was major impact of stress on job satisfaction and job performance. The empirical findings indicate statistical significance of job satisfaction and designations and staffs working long hours, as direct patient care providers are less satisfied. The stress level during the pandemic was very high among the staffs working in critical care units. Conclusion and Recommendation: Work place stress has a lot of impact on job satisfaction and job performance. 21%-36.8% staffs had high to very high level of stress during the pandemic crisis. The main factor leading to stress was the workload.


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How to cite this paper

Impact of Work Stress during COVID-19 Epidemic on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance among Nurses in Critical Care Units, United Arab Emirates 2020

How to cite this paper: Rennie Joshua, Fouad Chehab, Reni David, Nezar Ahmed Salim. (2021) Impact of Work Stress during COVID-19 Epidemic on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance among Nurses in Critical Care Units, United Arab Emirates 2020International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research5(2), 225-231.