
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Status of Critical Mineral Concentration in Soil and Blood Serum of Sheep, in the Case of Southern Ethiopia

Muluken Zeleke

Bonga Agricultural Research Center, Bonga, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Muluken Zeleke

Published: March 25,2021


The mineral soil samples were collected from the study site from a depth of 30 cm to analyze for the status of mineral content in soil commonly supplemented as mineral and serum of sheep. The result revealed that the mean content of macro (%) and trace (ppm) elements in two different type were Ca (0.41, 0.51); Mg (0.20, 0.16); K (0.31, 0.40); Na (3.01, 4.86); P (0.02, 0.04); Fe (92.24, 87.09); Mn (165, 120); Zn (12.16, 17.56) and Cu (4.52, 5.06), respectively. A high content of Na (P<0.01) and Mn (P<0.001) was observed in makaduwa mineral soil. The concentration of Ca and Na in makaduwa was at the level to meet the Ca and Mg requirements of ruminants. The Na, Fe, and Mn contents in both bole and makaduwa are above the requirement level, whereas Zn, P, and Cu contents are below the requirement. Serum mineral concentration is within the normal range for Ca, Mg, Cu, and Zn for those fed mineral soil.


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How to cite this paper

Status of Critical Mineral Concentration in Soil and Blood Serum of Sheep, in the Case of Southern Ethiopia

How to cite this paper: Muluken Zeleke. (2021) Status of Critical Mineral Concentration in Soil and Blood Serum of Sheep, in the Case of Southern Ethiopia. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture5(1), 183-188.