
The Educational Review, USA

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Teaching Business English through Moodle in the Superior School of Energy and Mining

Dora Mirta Troitiño Díaz

Department of English for Specific Purposes, Superior School of Energy and Mining, Havana, Cuba.

*Corresponding author: Dora Mirta Troitiño Díaz

Published: March 17,2021


This paper aims at giving a general overview of the steps followed to implement the distance course for business English teaching in this school. There is an ever-increasing demand for English teaching and learning activities in Cuba as worldwide. The directors, managers, buyers and specialist from different branches of the Ministry of Energy and Mining need to be prepared in this language, but there is a shortage of time for studying face to face and here it is where the distance education begins to play its important role in the preparation of the Ministry staff. This course is an alternative for higher rank officers at the Ministry to improve their business English skills. The course is set up in Moodle e-learning platform which eases the teaching process not only for the students but also the professor. The paper provides with the course structure as well as an explanation of each one. It socializes some advantages and disadvantages found while implementing this course.


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How to cite this paper

Teaching Business English through Moodle in the Superior School of Energy and Mining

How to cite this paper: Dora Mirta Troitiño Díaz. (2021). Teaching Business English through Moodle in the Superior School of Energy and Mining. The Educational Review, USA5(3), 52-56.