
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Green Entrepreneurship and Employment Generation in a Developing Nation: The Nigerian Case

Musa Richard1, Fadeyi Olatunji2,*, Taiwo Samuel1

1Department of Business Administration, D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic, Ogun State, Nigeria. 

2Department of Business Administration, Anchor University Lagos, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: Fadeyi Olatunji

Published: March 9,2021


This paper presents a link between green entrepreneurship and how it can drive employment in a developing economy—being an indicator for sustainable development through green production and services. It starts by introducing the concept of green entrepreneurship, and explains how difficult it has been to find a universal definition of the term. The study moved further to create a background for green business through methods that do not only combat climate change, but also provide lasting finances in the process. By adopting analysis of variance, standard deviation and mean, analyzed questionnaire instrument which sought to know the relevance and existing green entrepreneurship employments revealed that green entrepreneurship will ultimately add value to a nation’s economy, and also bring it closer to reaching its Nationally Determined Contributions.


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How to cite this paper

Green Entrepreneurship and Employment Generation in a Developing Nation: The Nigerian Case

How to cite this paper: Musa Richard, Fadeyi Olatunji, Taiwo Samuel. (2021) Green Entrepreneurship and Employment Generation in a Developing Nation: The Nigerian Case. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science5(1), 81-88.