
The Educational Review, USA

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Cybersecurity Workforce Development for Digital Economy

Chooi Shi Teoh*, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood

Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia.

*Corresponding author: Chooi Shi Teoh

Published: January 30,2018


The digital economy has revolutionized the global economy by creating the world without borders. It permeates the economic landscape that not only affecting the skill set needed to get a good job but also the surge of advancement and sophistication of cyber threats contributing to the rising demand of skills and expertise in cybersecurity workforce. This paper focuses on the efforts to develop cybersecurity workforce by nations with an objective to examine the National Cyber Security Strategies (NCSS) of nine top ranking nations in digital economy addressing the gap in cybersecurity workforce. From extensive literature review conducted, it was found that the common emphasis of the NCSS are critical in the area of infrastructure protection, cybercrime protection, cybersecurity workforce development, cybersecurity public awareness, research and development (R&D) and international collaborations. Furthermore, there is emerging trend of National Cybersecurity Centers which serves national nexus to preempt, response and mitigate cyber threats and incidents. As cyber threats grow, the demand for cybersecurity workforce reached critical level of shortage expected to be at 3.5 million by 2021. To address this alarming demand, cybersecurity workforce development need to have a long-term effort to satisfy the workforce shortage of today, and also effort to groom and prepare the young ones in school to be interested and serious about getting into cybersecurity industry.


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How to cite this paper

Cybersecurity Workforce Development for Digital Economy

How to cite this paper: Chooi Shi Teoh, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood. (2018). Cybersecurity Workforce Development for Digital Economy.The Educational Reviewing, USA2(1), 136-146.