
The Educational Review, USA

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Childhood Days in the Poetry of Dragutin Tadijanović

Tonći Lazibat

University of Zagreb, Croatia.

*Corresponding author: Tonći Lazibat

Published: January 14,2021


Connoisseurs of Dragutin Tadijanović’s poetic expression would agree that Rastušje, as the place of Tadijanović’s birth and growing up, inspired the living of his poetry, in particular the theme of childhood. The motive of childhood is visible in several of Tadijanović’s collections, but the aim of this paper is to analyze a specific collection of poems—Days of Childhood. Based on the assumption that it is a collection of poems intended for children, two goals of this paper are imposed: (1) to analyze poems in the context of children’s literature theory to check whether Tadijanović’s poems meet the criteria of children’s poetry, and (2) to re-examine outdated conclusions about this collection and to try to present them in a more recent manner, as since the late 1930s until today it has been possible to find a large number of written comments, reviews and works that have reviewed the thematic-motive level of the collection. Combining methods of induction, deduction, description, comparison, analysis and synthesis, this paper seeks to encourage a re-reading of Tadijanović’s collection and its possible positioning within the tissue of Croatian children’s literature.


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How to cite this paper

Childhood Days in the Poetry of Dragutin Tadijanović

How to cite this paper: Tonći Lazibat. (2021). Childhood Days in the Poetry of Dragutin Tadijanović. The Educational Review, USA5(1), 1-7.