Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Permaculture, Education and Enterprise for the Sustainable Development Goals in Lesotho

Ivan Yaholnitsky

Bethel Business and Community Development Centre, Lesotho.

*Corresponding author: Ivan Yaholnitsky

Published: December 18,2020


This paper is a case study of a technical and commercial school in Lesotho com-mitted to sustainable development. Its name is Bethel Business and Community Development Centre (BBCDC). The research traces the development of BBCDC by examining particular strategies that were implemented, and summarizes the important achievements using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a template. Three general themes will be covered: Permaculture, Education and Enterprise with reference to how these knit into the SDGs. It also adds a historical sequence which ties the interdependence and correlation of this triad. The programs and activities reflect movement towards an alternative future guided by the precepts of sustainable development. A broad range of impact assessment metrics will be presented as a basis for validity along with moral and practical justification, natural science and reason.


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How to cite this paper

Permaculture, Education and Enterprise for the Sustainable Development Goals in Lesotho

How to cite this paper: Ivan Yaholnitsky. (2020) Permaculture, Education and Enterprise for the Sustainable Development Goals in Lesotho. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 4(2), 165-186.