
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Research on the C-E Translation of Folk Culture-specific Items Under the Perspective of Eco-translation’s Multi-dimensional Transformations—A Case Study on Folk Culture Text of Hubei Province

Hang Su

Manchester Metropolitan Joint Institute, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, Hubei, China.

*Corresponding author: Hang Su

Published: January 16,2025


As China continues to modernize, there is an increasing need to develop a Chinese discourse system that resonates effectively on the global stage. As a key component of Chinese traditional culture, folk customs offer valuable insights into the lifestyle, beliefs, and production practices of the Chinese people. The translation of folk culture-specific items (FCSIs) plays a crucial role in helping international audiences understand the nuances of Chinese society. This paper focuses on the challenges of translating FCSIs from Hubei province, a region with a rich cultural history, particularly its Jingchu culture. The study explores the linguistic, cultural, and communicative dimensions of transformation, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach that incorporates techniques such as transliteration with explanation, amplification, and semantic adaptation. The paper argues that effective translation requires not only a deep understanding of the source culture and language but also an awareness of the target readers’ ex-pectations and linguistic habits. By integrating these dimensions, translators can preserve the essence of Hubei folk culture while ensuring accessibility and readability for a global audience.


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How to cite this paper

Research on the C-E Translation of Folk Culture-specific Items Under the Perspective of Eco-translation's Multi-dimensional Transformations—A Case Study on Folk Culture Text of Hubei Province

How to cite this paper: Hang Su. (2024) Research on the C-E Translation of Folk Culture-specific Items Under the Perspective of Eco-translation's Multi-dimensional Transformations—A Case Study on Folk Culture Text of Hubei Province. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(12), 2844-2851.