Maurice Sendak, a famous children’s literature writer, his work deserves analysis from many aspects. In this article, the target literature is Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are. At the very beginning, the author will first analyze the target audience. Next, from the angle of the children’s audience, the sentence structure, the use of the conjunction “and”, and the repetition will be analyzed, and a comparison between children’s language and adult language. Then, some special children’s features like time concept and picture language will be analyzed and connected to children’s inner world. Last but not least, a conclusion will be given according to the features summarized in the above aspects. To be more specific, the results are, firstly, children prefer to use the conjunction “and” to connect many words, phrases, and sentences, which may help create a vivid picture. Besides, repetition is another feature of child language, which adults seldom do.
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How to cite this paper
Analysis of Children's Language in Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are
How to cite this paper: Xue Yin, Luning Man. (2024) Analysis of Children's Language in Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 8(12), 2809-2812.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jhass.2024.12.026