Article Open Access
Improvement Strategy of Rice Industry Chain Efficiency Under the Perspective of Supply Chain Management
Yu Liu1,*, T. A. Mahinda Pushspakumara2, Yichen Mu3
1Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, Colombo 01400, Sri Lanka.
2Department of Economics, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, Colombo 01400, Sri Lanka.
3College of Life Sciences, Henan Agricultura University, Zhengzhou 450000, Henan, China.
*Corresponding author: Yu Liu
Published: December 31,2024
As an important part of the agricultural economy, the efficiency of the rice industry chain is directly related to food security and farmers' income. At present, the rice industry chain has problems such as land fragmentation, aging processing equipment, rudimentary storage facilities, imperfect logistics network, and asymmetric information in the sales link, which restricts the enhancement of the efficiency of the industry chain. This paper employs a literature review method from the perspective of supply chain management and proposes strategies to enhance the efficiency of the rice industry chain. The suggested strategies include promoting land transfer and large-scale planting, strengthening agricultural science and technology innovation and dissemination, optimizing the technological upgrades and equipment renewal of processing enterprises, increasing the construction of warehousing facilities and intelligent management systems, integrating logistics resources and optimizing transportation routes, developing cold-chain logistics and logistics information technology, establishing an efficient supply chain information-sharing platform, and fostering core enterprises within the supply chain and logistics network. These strategies are aimed at enhancing the overall efficiency of the rice industry chain through the synergistic optimization of each link, guaranteeing food security, improving farmers' returns, and promoting sustainable agricultural development.
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How to cite this paper
Improvement Strategy of Rice Industry Chain Efficiency Under the Perspective of Supply Chain Management
How to cite this paper: Yu Liu, T. A. Mahinda Pushspakumara, Yichen Mu. (2024) Improvement Strategy of Rice Industry Chain Efficiency Under the Perspective of Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 8(4), 165-169.