Article Open Access
Development Practicum Tools on Doppler Effect Material to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
I Made Astra *, Lisda Hadiani Al Fitri
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, RT.11/RW.14, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia.
*Corresponding author: I Made Astra
Published: November 23,2020
Teaching standards in the context of the educational process not only convey subject matter, but they are also defined as the process of regulating the environment so that students learn. This environmental arrangement is a process of creating a good climate such as environmental regulation, provision of learning tools and resources that include teaching objectives, teaching materials, teaching and assessment learning methodologies that enable students to feel comfortable and enjoy learning so that they can develop optimally according to their interests and potential. This study aims to design and implement education that is more focused on mastering physical concepts that can support everyday life using existing media and facilities and is simple in the doppler effect material using borg gall development research. So, students can grow and improve good learning outcomes which are shown based on the results of calculations with a n-gain score of 0.68 and the practicum tool developed can be used for learning with an percentage of experts at 88.6%.
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How to cite this paper
Development Practicum Tools on Doppler Effect Material to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
How to cite this paper: I Made Astra, Lisda Hadiani Al Fitri. (2020) Development Practicum Tools on Doppler Effect Material to Improve Student Learning Outcomes. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 4(4), 174-180.