
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research

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The Reliability of Center of Pressure Sway Variables and Their Interrelationships in Healthy Individuals

Hiroki Aoki1,*, Shinichi Demura2, Shunsuke Yamaji3, Yoshinori Nagasawa4, Tomohiko Murase5, Kazuyoshi Miyaguchi6, Tomohisa Yokoya7, Masaki Minami8

1National Institute of Technology, Fukui College, Fukui 916-8507, Japan.

2Kanazawa University, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan.

3University of Fukui, Fukui 910-8507, Japan.

4Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Kyoto 607-8414, Japan.

5Aichi University, Aichi 453-8777, Japan.

6Ishikawa Prefectural University, Ishikawa 921-8836, Japan.

7Fukui University of Technology, Fukui 910-8505, Japan.

8National Institute of Technology, Ishikawa College, Ishikawa 929-0392, Japan.

*Corresponding author: Hiroki Aoki

Published: November 27,2024


This study examined the reliability of center of pressure (COP) sway variables and their interrelationships in healthy individuals. The subjects were 420 males and females with ages ranging from 10 to 87 yr. The COP sway for 1 min was measured three times. As the COP sway variables, 7 on general sway (GS) and 15 on the power spectrum (PS) were selected. In both sexes, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of GS variables was high (> 0.60), and that of the area ratio 1 of X, Y, and R directions and area ratio 3 of X direction in PS variables was also high (> 0.60). In both sexes, correlations between the GS variables except for the average position were over a moderate degree. For the PS variables, correlations between peak power values, between the parts of area ratio 1 (split ratio of power spectrum density [low (1), middle (2), and high bands (3)]), between the parts of area ratio 2, between area ratio 3’s Y and R (synthetic coordinate of X and Y) directions, and between area ratio 3’s X and R directions were over a moderate degree, but those between the other variables were either insignificant or below medium level even if significant. In both sexes, both areas and both standard deviations had correlations over a moderate degree with peak power values in the X, Y, and R directions. The GS variables and area ratio 1 of 3 directions and area ratio 3 of X direction of PS variables have relatively high reliability. Relatively strong relationships were found between the GS variables except for the average position and in the PS variables, those between peak power values and between area ratios 1 and 3 of Y and R directions, and between area ratio 3’s X and R directions are relatively high. Area and standard deviation variables of GS variables have a relatively high relationship to peak power values of three directions of PS variables. The reliability and interrelationships of COP sway variables show few differences concerning sex.


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How to cite this paper

The Reliability of Center of Pressure Sway Variables and Their Interrelationships in Healthy Individuals

How to cite this paper:  Hiroki Aoki, Shinichi Demura, Shunsuke Yamaji, Yoshinori Nagasawa, Tomohiko Murase, Kazuyoshi Miyaguchi, Tomohisa Yokoya, Masaki Minami. (2024) The Reliability of Center of Pressure Sway Variables and Their Interrelationships in Healthy Individuals. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research8(4), 597-605.