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Research on the Optimization Design of Rural Spaces Based on Wind Environment and Thermal Comfort

Kun Yang, Jixin Zhao, Yixin Wang, Chunming Zhang*

Yunnan Arts University, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China.

*Corresponding author: Chunming Zhang

Published: November 25,2024


In this study, based on the simulation and analysis technology of wind and thermal environments, digital and performance-based research methods are employed. The Rhinoceros & Grasshopper platform, along with digital environmental performance simulation tools such as Ladybug, Butterfly, and OpenFoam, is used to analyze performance simulation. The connection between the wind and thermal environment and architectural spaces is established. Design decisions are made through data feedback, model adjustment, and strategy verification. Based on the UTCI index, four categories of thermal comfort spaces are scientifically classified. The characteristics of classified thermal comfort spaces and their impacts on the human body are summarized and analyzed. Based on the elements of thermal comfort spaces, reasonable optimization concepts are proposed. Taking into consideration factors such as the current spatial conditions and transformation potential, a simulation analysis of the wind and thermal environment in rural spaces in southwestern Yunnan is conducted. Optimization strategies are formulated based on the optimization concepts as design objectives. The reliability of the quantitative analysis technology and optimization strategies for microclimate environments is validated through the evaluation of optimized data. This technology is applied to the research of optimizing rural space design, providing a scientific basis for the planning and design of green rural spaces.


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How to cite this paper

Research on the Optimization Design of Rural Spaces Based on Wind Environment and Thermal Comfort

How to cite this paper: Kun Yang, Jixin Zhao, Yixin Wang, Chunming Zhang. (2024). Research on the Optimization Design of Rural Spaces Based on Wind Environment and Thermal ComfortEngineering Advances4(4), 179-187.