
Engineering Advances

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Research on the Digital Patrol and Prevention System Under the Perspective of Peaceful China

Yezhou Wu1, Jingwei Wu1, Shuifeng Zhang1,*, Zaihu Zhou2, Jiulong Chen1

1School of Information Technology, Nanjing Police University, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China.

2Changzhou City Public Security Bureau Patrol Detachment, Changzhou 213251, Jiangsu, China.

*Corresponding author: Shuifeng Zhang

Published: November 21,2024


This paper delves into the development of a digital patrol and prevention system against the backdrop of the Peaceful China initiative, aiming to address the intricate challenges posed by social security. Through methods such as literature analysis and detailed case studies, along with an examination of the "Longcheng Safe e-Patrol" initiative in Changzhou, the study outlines strategies and pathways for constructing a comprehensive, intelligent, and three-dimensional digital patrol and prevention system. The research uncovers that such a system can drastically bolster the efficiency of social security prevention and control efforts, facilitating seamless collaboration and swift responses. This study not only presents a foundational theoretical framework but also offers a tangible, real-world example to enhance China's social security prevention and control capabilities. Future endeavors should focus on reinforcing technological advancements and information infrastructure, refining the deployment and cooperation frameworks of patrol teams, and augmenting legal and policy frameworks to dynamically adapt to evolving social security landscapes.


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How to cite this paper

Research on the Digital Patrol and Prevention System Under the Perspective of Peaceful China

How to cite this paper: Yezhou Wu, Jingwei Wu, Shuifeng Zhang, Zaihu Zhou, Jiulong Chen. (2024). Research on the Digital Patrol and Prevention System Under the Perspective of Peaceful ChinaEngineering Advances4(4), 173-178.