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Research on Key Technology of Aero-engine Operation and Maintenance Based on Intelligent Knowledge Network

Zhexuan Huang, Yunbin Yan, Wenwen Yu*, Kai Han

Shijiazhuang Campus, Army Engineering University, Shijiazhuang 050003, Hebei, China.

*Corresponding author: Wenwen Yu

Published: November 19,2024


Knowledge graphs are known for their powerful knowledge representation capabilities, knowledge reasoning capabilities, and support for semantic retrieval. The aero-engine disassembly process knowledge map can clearly present the many elements in the process and the complex relationship between them. At the same time, the disassembly process knowledge map can assist craftsmen in managing unexpected situations during disassembly. It enables the rapid construction of a new disassembly process for parts or equipment that are challenging to disassemble in reverse order, in accordance with the assembly process. This advancement promotes the development of engine disassembly technology, enhances the operability of intelligent engine maintenance, and significantly improves the safety and reliability of equipment operation. In the automatic construction of a complex equipment disassembly process knowledge graph, extracting textual data into a fragmented knowledge graph is of great theoretical significance for expanding the scale of the knowledge graph and improving the practical application of equipment disassembly process knowledge graph. In the application of the knowledge graph, using the disassembly process knowledge graph improved in this paper, the study of disassembly and assembly sequence planning technology is also an important direction for the engineering of the method proposed in this paper.


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How to cite this paper

Research on Key Technology of Aero-engine Operation and Maintenance Based on Intelligent Knowledge Network

How to cite this paper: Zhexuan Huang, Yunbin Yan, Wenwen Yu, Kai Han. (2024). Research on Key Technology of Aero-engine Operation and Maintenance Based on Intelligent Knowledge NetworkEngineering Advances4(4), 169-172.