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A Multi-dimensional Assessment of Ecologically Sensitive Areas: A Case Study of Ziqing in Nanjing

Siwei Tang

Tianfu College of SWUFE, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

*Corresponding author:Siwei Tang

Published: October 16,2024


With the acceleration of urbanization in China, many cities are subjected to negative impacts. This project focuses on protecting the ecological environment of Ziqing in Nanjing by applying Geographic Information System (GIS) to enhance ecological protection and address environmental issues. GIS can aggregate, analyze, and visualize spatial data, serving as one of the tools available during the selection process for Ecologically Sensitive Areas (ESAs). Ecological sensitivity refers to the extent to which ecosystems respond to human activities and changes in the natural environment, reflecting the likelihood of ecological problems arising at a regional scale. In this study, the ecological sensitivity of Ziqing is evaluated through model construction and factor selection. This research explores the current applications of classification and data processing in GIS, as well as the potential of spatial analysis in site selection and microclimate improvement. The project applies both ecological and infrastructural indicators in the evaluation of ecological sensitivity, from factor selection to the assessment of ecological sensitivity zoning. It combines various methods such as the Delphi Method, Analytic Hierarchy Process, and Overlaying Analysis to provide a multi-dimensional evaluation of the landscape environment in Ziqing, offering a basis for future protection and development efforts.


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How to cite this paper

A Multi-dimensional Assessment of Ecologically Sensitive Areas: A Case Study of Ziqing in Nanjing

How to cite this paper: Siwei Tang. (2024) A Multi-dimensional Assessment of Ecologically Sensitive Areas: A Case Study of Ziqing in NanjingOAJRC Environmental Science5(2), 65-71.