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A Comparative Evaluation of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Costs and Economic Effects Across Different Regions

Jinyu Li

Deyang Agricultural College, Deyang 618500, Sichuan, China.

*Corresponding author: Jinyu Li

Published: September 30,2024


In the context of the dual challenges posed by global environmental pollution and the energy crisis, traditional centralized power generation models are increasingly inadequate to meet the demands of modern society. Distributed photovoltaic (PV) power generation, characterized by its modularity, low investment requirements, and advantages of being pollution-free and highly efficient, has gradually emerged as a critical source of electricity worldwide. As the leading nation in photovoltaic power generation, China has invested substantial financial resources in distributed PV technologies and implemented favorable policies to support their development. However, due to regional variations in solar energy resources, the costs and economic returns of distributed PV projects differ significantly across various areas. This paper analyzes the primary cost sources and components of distributed PV projects, calculating the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and internal rate of return (IRR) for different regions. It provides a comprehensive exploration of how regional differences impact the economic performance of distributed PV projects and the trends associated with these variations.


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How to cite this paper

A Comparative Evaluation of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Costs and Economic Effects Across Different Regions

How to cite this paper: Jinyu Li. (2024). A Comparative Evaluation of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Costs and Economic Effects Across Different RegionsEngineering Advances4(4), 155-161.