
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Application of Biostime’s Patented Lactobacillus Strains in Fermented Dairy Products in China: A Comparative Study on Product Differentiation and Quality Enhancement

Yiwen Liu*, Wei Tian, Min Zhang, Aimei Zhan, Ajia Dajiu, Shaoping Jiang, Peng Wang

Animal Husbandry Science Institute of Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Kangding 626000, Sichuan, China.

*Corresponding author: Yiwen Liu

Published: September 14,2024


Lactobacillus plays a crucial role in the production of fermented dairy products, with various strains influencing the quality of the final product. This study focuses on Biostime's patented Lactobacillus strains, evaluating their effects in Chinese fermented dairy products and comparing them with conventional strains. The analysis was conducted from the perspectives of product differentiation and quality enhancement. The selection process and characteristics of Biostime's patented strains were introduced first. The study then assessed their application in yogurt, cheese, and other fermented dairy products, emphasizing differences in physicochemical properties, flavor, shelf life, and nutritional value. Results indicated that products containing Biostime's patented strains signifi-cantly outperformed those with conventional strains in terms of flavor, texture, shelf life, and nutritional content, demonstrating distinct advantages in product differentiation. These strains hold promising potential for widespread application in China's dairy industry, offering consumers higher-quality fermented dairy products. Further research is needed to optimize the compatibility between dif-ferent strains and fermentation conditions to continuously enhance product quality.


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How to cite this paper

Application of Biostime's Patented Lactobacillus Strains in Fermented Dairy Products in China: A Comparative Study on Product Differentiation and Quality Enhancement

How to cite this paper: Yiwen Liu, Wei Tian, Min Zhang, Aimei Zhan, Ajia Dajiu, Shaoping Jiang, Peng Wang. (2024) Application of Biostime's Patented Lactobacillus Strains in Fermented Dairy Products in China: A Comparative Study on Product Differentiation and Quality EnhancementInternational Journal of Food Science and Agriculture8(3), 131-136.