
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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Electromagnetic Oscillator Action as an Introduction to Discrete Physics

Milan Perkovac

College for Information Technologies, Zagreb, Croatia.

*Corresponding author: Milan Perkovac

Published: August 11,2020


The aim of this study is to define both the structural constant of all atoms s0 and the action of LC oscillator A, as a new concept. The methods of theoretical research are used, and its checking is based on previously measured data. Electromagnetic radiation, which we observe in an area outside of the atom, has its source in the atom. As a model of this source an LC oscillator was investigated within the atom. It is determined that the energy of that LC oscillator is proportional to its natural frequency. However, the proportionality factor A, which is analogous to Planck’s h, is not constant, but decreases with the increase in this frequency. Periodic coincidence of two independent phenomena within an atom is condition of the stability of an atom. These two phenomena are, first, circulating the electron around the nucleus, and second, oscillating the electromagnetic energy in the atom. At the integer frequency ratio of these two phenomena, discretization of the atoms state occurs. The structural constant and its unified value is defined; s0=8.278691910. All NIST Data, from Hydrogen, 1H, to Darmstadtium, 110Ds, 110 metrics, confirmed this value. This approach, besides the atomic shell, includes its nucleus. It is shown that with help of structural constant s0, as well with help of the other five known constants (cm0e, m, mp), nine existing constants become redundant; i.e., fine structure constant a , von Klitzing constant RK, Planck’s h, ratio e/h, Josephson constant KJ, Rydberg constant R¥, Bohr radius a0, Bohr magneton mB, and nuclear magneton mN. All relevant physical quantities are also given in a form suitable for use in Discrete Physics. All relations in Discrete Physics are as clear as in Classical Physics.


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How to cite this paper

Electromagnetic Oscillator Action as an Introduction to Discrete Physics

How to cite this paper: Milan Perkovac. (2020) Electromagnetic Oscillator Action as an Introduction to Discrete Physics. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 4(3), 64-82.