
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Exploring a Quantitative Analysis Nexus Between Teachers’ Work Pressure and Organizational Commitment in Vocational and Technical Colleges

Wei Wang1,2,*, Grace R. Tobias1

1College of Business Administration, University of the Cordilleras, Baguio, Philippines.

2Shaanxi Technical College of Finance & Economics, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China.

*Corresponding author: Wei Wang

Published: June 11,2024


This quantitative study explores the complex relationship between teachers' workload and organizational commitment in vocational and technical colleges, utilizing computerized systems for analysis. Employing robust research methods, the study aims to measure the levels of work pressure experienced by teachers across various domains, such as teaching, research, and student management. It utilizes computerized systems for data collection and analysis. Additionally, it seeks to evaluate teachers' organizational commitment to their respective institutions using advanced computational techniques. Structured surveys will be conducted using digital platforms, and statistical analyses will be performed to uncover patterns and correlations between perceived work pressure and organizational commitment levels. Moreover, machine learning algorithms will be employed to discern nuanced insights from the data, considering factors such as workload distribution, administrative support, and institutional culture to comprehend their influence on teachers' commitment to the organization. By integrating computerized systems, this research aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of work pressure dynamics. This will facilitate the development of data-driven strategies to enhance teacher well-being and foster a supportive and committed workforce within vocational and technical colleges.


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How to cite this paper

Exploring a Quantitative Analysis Nexus Between Teachers' Work Pressure and Organizational Commitment in Vocational and Technical Colleges

How to cite this paper: Wei Wang, Grace R. Tobias. (2024) Exploring a Quantitative Analysis Nexus Between Teachers' Work Pressure and Organizational Commitment in Vocational and Technical Colleges. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(5), 1083-1090.