
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Language Reconfigurations: From Literate Culture to Visual and Audiovisual Culture

Zulma P. Sánchez Beltrán

Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia.

*Corresponding author: Zulma P. Sánchez Beltrán

Published: July 10,2020


This article explores some considerations on the reconfiguration of language, moving from the alphanumeric culture of the literacy to the visual and audiovisual culture, partially based of the results derived from the doctoral research: Visual Artistic Education in Digital Contexts. The main objective of the research was to understand the relationship between visual arts education (VAPE) and digital culture in function of the learning, through the uses and appropriations made by the youngest in the eleventh grade of the YouTube platform. To achieve this objective, the methodology used was qualitative, through micro-ethnographic work based on participative observation along with the young people. Based on the uses and appropriations that young people make of the YouTube platform in terms of learning by the VPAE, various relationships were identified between visual-plastic artistic education and digital culture, the first of these relationships revolves around Language, since both visual plastic art education and contemporary technological repertoires appeal to the use of language other than alphanumeric and literacy culture, especially those such as visual and audiovisual language, including narrative, body, poetic language, among others. This shows the importance and relevance of other manifestations of language in culture and the ways in which communication is configured between those who make it, where there seems to be a change from the forms of alphanumeric and literate culture to visual and audiovisual forms of language.


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How to cite this paper

Language Reconfigurations: From Literate Culture to Visual and Audiovisual Culture

How to cite this paper: Zulma P. Sánchez Beltrán. (2020) Language Reconfigurations: From Literate Culture to Visual and Audiovisual Culture. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 4(1), 79-88.