
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Welfare of Livestock During Transportation and Market Transactions: Implications for Meat Quality in Ethiopia

Tesfaye Rebuma1, Wondesen Girma2, Gete Misgana3, Firaol Tariku4, Mahendra Pal5,*

1Shaggar City administration, Sebeta Sub-city Administration Agricultural Office, Sebeta, Oromia, Ethiopia.

2Department of Veterinary Science, School of Veterinary Medicine, Guder Mamo Mezemir Campus, Ambo, Oromia, Ethiopia.

3Hababo Guduru Agricultural Office, Dedu, Horro Guduru Wallaga Zone, Shambu, Oromia, Ethiopia.

4Nono Woreda Agricultural office, Silk-Amba, West Shewa Zone, Ambo, Oromia, Ethiopia.

5Narayan Consultancy of Veterinary Public Health, and Microbiology, Bharuch, Gujarat, India.

*Corresponding author: Mahendra Pal

Published: June 3,2024


In Ethiopia, the welfare of farm animals during handling, transportation, and market transactions is a pressing concern with significant implications for both animal well-being and meat quality. Key factors affecting animal welfare and meat quality during transport include animal behavior, temperature regulation, and transport duration. Poor transport conditions contribute to stress and meat quality defects, with long durations exacerbating these issues. Moreover, inadequate handling practices during loading and unloading further compromise animal welfare, impacting meat quality parameters such as tenderness and flavor. To address these challenges, comprehensive legislation and regulations specifically targeting animal welfare standards for farm animals are urgently needed. Additionally, training programs for stakeholders and improved supply chain management practices can enhance understanding and implementation of proper welfare practices. Collaborative efforts among government agencies, veterinary services, industry stakeholders, and animal welfare organizations are essential for sustainable improvements in animal welfare and meat quality standards. In conclusion, addressing the identified challenges through targeted interventions and collective action can significantly enhance animal welfare and meat quality standards in Ethiopian livestock markets, ensuring the well-being of animals and the production of high-quality meat products.


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How to cite this paper

Welfare of Livestock During Transportation and Market Transactions: Implications for Meat Quality in Ethiopia

How to cite this paper: Tesfaye Rebuma, Wondesen Girma, Gete Misgana, Firaol Tariku, Mahendra Pal. (2024) Welfare of Livestock During Transportation and Market Transactions: Implications for Meat Quality in EthiopiaInternational Journal of Food Science and Agriculture8(2), 59-63.