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A Dynamic Model of Superhelical DNA Denaturation

Cheryl L. Sershen

Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, George R. Brown School of Engineering, Rice University, 6100 Main Street, Houston TX 77251, USA.

*Corresponding author: Cheryl L. Sershen

Published: July 7,2020


Existing models of structural transitions in DNA only analyze their equilibrium properties. But the biological environment within a cell is inconstant dynamic flux. The DNA molecule is affected by numerous biological processes such as protein binding, transcription, replication, recombination, and repair. Equilibrium-based models only portray molecular properties in the thermodynamic limit and do not reflect the near-term dynamic effects of such events. Developing accurate non-equilibrium dynamic models is essential to understand these effects. Here we present a dynamic statistical mechanical model of the response of a DNA molecule to superhelical stresses in an evolving biological environment. The master equation developed here allows us to treat secondary structural transitions, which have not been considered in previous non-equilibrium statistical mechanical studies of DNA. We focus specifically on superhelical denaturation, extending to a non-equilibrium context the approach taken by the equilibrium stress-induced duplex destabilization (SIDD) model. Our model is implemented as a time-dependent simulation using Glauber dynamics. The measures calculated include time-series distributions, such as the time-dependent energies and probabilities of opening for each base pair in the DNA molecule. Our approach enables the development of more nuanced models of in vivo DNA regulatory mechanisms and other normal and pathological processes.


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How to cite this paper

A Dynamic Model of Superhelical DNA Denaturation

How to cite this paper: Cheryl L. Sershen. (2020) A Dynamic Model of Superhelical DNA Denaturation. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 4(3), 43-56.