
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Practice and Exploration of the Construction of Rural Grass-roots Party Organizations in the New Era

Wenhua Zhu

CPC Lichuan Municipal Party School, Lichuan, Hubei, China.

*Corresponding author: Wenhua Zhu

Published: May 30,2024


In the new period, the construction of the rural grass-roots party organization has always been an important aspect of the party work. The rural grass-roots party organization is an important link for the party to contact the broad masses of farmers and is an important force in promoting rural economic and social development. In recent years, the party organization in the rural grass-roots construction of continuous practice and exploration has achieved remarkable results. In the practice and exploration of the construction of rural grass-roots party organizations in the new period, we should constantly sum up the experience, further improve the system and mechanism, improve the cohesion and organizational force of the party organizations, and make greater contributions to the rural development and rural revitalization.


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How to cite this paper

Practice and Exploration of the Construction of Rural Grass-roots Party Organizations in the New Era

How to cite this paper: Wenhua Zhu. (2024) Practice and Exploration of the Construction of Rural Grass-roots Party Organizations in the New Era. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(4), 1040-1043.