M. Dahlan Bahang *, Arma Amir Hamzah, Darma S. Lanre
English Education of STKIP-YPUP Makassar, South Celebes, Indonesia.
*Corresponding author: M. Dahlan Bahang
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How to cite this paper
Improving Self-Confidence of the Third Grade Students of Sman 15 Makassar to Speak English Through English Contest Technique (ECT)
How to cite this paper: M. Dahlan Bahang, Arma Amir Hamzah, Darma S. Lanre. (2020). Improving Self-Confidence of the Third Grade Students of Sman 15 Makassar to Speak English Through English Contest Technique (ECT). The Educational Review, USA, 4(6), 128-134.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.26855/er.2020.06.002