
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Adoption of Improved Agricultural Technologies in Developing Countries: Literature Review

Solomon Yokamo

Arbaminch Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Solomon Yokamo

Published: June 1,2020


Adoption of improved agricultural technologies is the tool for boosting production and productivity of agricultural sector, poverty reduction and ensuring food security in developing countries. Due to a plenty of determining factors in most developing countries, the rate and intensity of adoption of improved agricultural technologies is still low. This study focuses on some  potential factors hindering farmers from adopting and using of improved agricultural technologies in developing countries. Many literatures were reviewed and found that economical, technological, socio-cultural, demographic and institutional factors are the main determinant factors in technology adoption and diffusion. In order to increase the likelihood of adoption of the improved agricultural technologies by farmers, policy makers should focus on building irrigation scheme, strengthening research-extension-farmers (R-E-F) linkage, making credit services more accessible without bias, equipping development agents with different training and workshops, empowering educational sector to focus on adult teaching, advising farmers to improve their educational level and making information accessible to farmers on time and finally the technology  developer should incorporate the need and perceptions of farmers during   technology design and development; will enhance the adoption of the technology more easily.


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How to cite this paper

Adoption of Improved Agricultural Technologies in Developing Countries: Literature Review

How to cite this paper: Solomon Yokamo. (2020) Adoption of Improved Agricultural Technologies in Developing Countries: Literature Review. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 4(2), 183-190.