Jinjing Li1, Pengfei Hu1, Fan Li1,*, Yanjun Zhang2, Peter Chang2, Gary Swanson2
1Herbalife NatSource (Hunan) Natural Products Co., Ltd, Changsha, Hunan, China.
2Herbalife Nutrition, Global Quality, Torrance, CA, USA.
*Corresponding author: Fan Li
Sugar and sugar alcohol were added to the health benefit product to give a favorite flavor of the products, but people have conditions that need sugar replacement such as sugar alcohol. Thus, a new LC/MS/MS method was developed to separate and quantify fructose, glucose, saccharose, maltose, lactose, and sorbitol in protein powder and tablet. With using of an MS detector with an ESI source, the mass information of the sugar and sugar alcohol components can be obtained along with the retention times, combination of chromatographic retention time and molecular mass weight improves the selectivity of sugar and sugar alcohol analysis. The linearity range of fructose is 2.13-83.26 μg/mL, sucrose is 2.05-80.12 μg/mL, glucose is 3.07-120.08 μg/mL, maltose is 7.26-283.41 μg/mL, lactose is 7.56-295.41 μg/mL, sorbitol is 1.98-77.42 μg/mL. The recoveries of each sugar component and sorbitol from protein powder product are 91%-110%. The matrix of protein powder, tablets, soft gel, and capsule with a matrix of soy protein isolate was validated, showing that the method is reliable and suitable for routine use.
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