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Factors Affecting Early Marriage in Bangladesh: An Analysis on BDHS, 2014 Data

Shanjida Chowdhury 1,*, Md. Mahfujur Rahman 2, Nurul Mohammad Zayed 3

1 Department of General Educational Development, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh.

2 Comilla University, Kotbari, Cumilla-3506, Bangladesh.

3 Department of Real Estate, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding author: Shanjida Chowdhury, Department of General Educational Development, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh.

Published: May 14,2020


Earlier marriage is usual throughout the world and has been enforced as severe and pulverizing outcomes for little kids. Most early marriages in developing countries are occurred with forcing and violating the laws. Early marriage is severely caused by maternal mortality and maternal health. Earlier marriage before the period of 18 years is moreover an impediment to numerous multinational human treaties expresses. Now it is essential to take the necessary steps to overcome this problem, and we should strictly respect the laws of early marriage in Bangladesh. Therefore, the factors affecting the use of early marriage should be clearly understood in Bangladesh. The 2014 Bangladesh Demographic Health Survey data has been operated for this inspection, which is multistage stratified bunched evidence. And here, Logistic Regression has been used to analyze this data. This study applies Binary Logistic Regression to draw an appropriate conclusion about the factors distressing on early marriage.


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How to cite this paper

Factors Affecting Early Marriage in Bangladesh: An Analysis on BDHS, 2014 Data

How to cite this paper: Shanjida Chowdhury, Md. Mahfujur Rahman, Nurul Mohammad Zayed. (2020) Factors Affecting Early Marriage in Bangladesh: An Analysis on BDHS, 2014 Data. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 4(1), 40-47.